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Canadian Society For Exercise Physiology

The Focus On Carbohydrates 

This module will provide valuable insight and practical tips for exercise physiologists who seek to optimize carbohydrate intake for sports performance. In this module, we will explore the two dietary sources of carbohydrates - simple and complex, and how they fuel the body during exercise. You will also learn the range of carbohydrate requirements based on exercise intensity and duration, and a brief introduction to the glycemic index. In addition, we will delve into the functions of fibre in sports and how it can affect athletic performance.

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What is Included? 

  • Individual Modules
  • Course Bundles 
  • Professional Development Opportunities
  • Videos & Lectures 
  • Applicable Resources, Worksheets, & Handouts 
  • Access to Our Instructors 

Learn New Strategies 

Learn how to develop, organize, and implement a nutrition strategy to help your athletes stay fuelled, hydrated, delay onset of fatigue, decrease their risk of injury, and maintain overall health.

Knowledge is Power! 

Share your knowledge to help your athletes build their confidence in choosing optimal fuelling and hydration strategies for various training & competitive events. 
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