Athletes & Parents Overview
Lesson series

Module 1
Introduction to Sport Nutrition
Welcome! Our introductory module provides information to help athletes reach their performance goals. Topics of discussion include: Nutrition basics, composition & timing of training meals/snack, and designing a nutrition strategy appropriate for all sporting events.
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Module 2
Module 3
Food & Grocery
Module 3 is every athletes & parents dream! Yes, it's true! This module offers 200+ recipes, menu planning, grocery tips, cooking hacks, how to read food labels with confidence, and food safety.
Price 29.99 per module or 119.99 for our all inclusive package of 5 modules.
Module 3 is every athletes & parents dream! Yes, it's true! This module offers 200+ recipes, menu planning, grocery tips, cooking hacks, how to read food labels with confidence, and food safety.
Price 29.99 per module or 119.99 for our all inclusive package of 5 modules.
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Write your awesome label here.
Module 4
Are you lost in the world of supplements? Wondering if athletes should take a supplement, what to choose, are they safe, or will they test positive in a doping test? All common questions! So let us help you understand the wild world of supplements.
Price 29.99 per module or 119.99 for our all inclusive package of 5 modules.
Are you lost in the world of supplements? Wondering if athletes should take a supplement, what to choose, are they safe, or will they test positive in a doping test? All common questions! So let us help you understand the wild world of supplements.
Price 29.99 per module or 119.99 for our all inclusive package of 5 modules.
Module 5
When should you eat? What food should you pack? How can you make sure athletes have enough to eat while travelling? Join us and we will help you answer these questions.
Price 29.99 per module or 119.99 for our all inclusive package of 5 modules.
Price 29.99 per module or 119.99 for our all inclusive package of 5 modules.
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