
Welcome to Performance Nutrition Academy! Are you ready to take your athlete's performance to the next level? If you are a coach who wants to know more about sports nutrition and how it can benefit your athlete's performance, you’re in the right place! Our three part Coaches series will take you through the basics of sports nutrition and move you into more sport specific nutrition information. 

Part 1

The Basics
Part 1 of our Coaches series begins with basic  sport nutrition information.  This section will allow you to build an evidence based foundation so you are able to help your athletes perform at their best while maintaining overall health. 
Price 29.99 per course or 300.00 for our all inclusive Part 1 package.
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Part 2 

Special Considerations in Sport Nutrition
Part 2 of the Coaches series will outline varies topics to build on your basic nutrition knowledge.  Some topics of discussion include: periodization, nutrition management for injury recovery, RED-s, nutrition management for various life stages, disordered eating, and many more.  
Price $39.99 per course or $350.00 for our all inclusive Part 2 package. 

Part 3

Sport Specific Nutrition Considerations
Part 3 looks into the nutrition considerations for various sports. 
Price $39.99 per course or $360.00 for our all inclusive Part 3 package. 

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