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Canadian Society For Exercise Physiology

Bundle 2 - Body Composition & Weight Management 

This bundle provides an in-depth exploration of body composition and weight management in athletes.  In this bundle, you will gain an understanding of the basics of body composition, the difference between lean and fat mass, the significance of body composition for performance outcomes, and the various methods of successfully measuring body composition.

When looking at weight management we will be discussing the importance of strategically obtaining a realistic weight range for body frame and sport, how to identify and mitigate the risks and challenges associated with athletic weight goals, and weight change strategies using safe and supportive athlete-specific periodization. We take a scientific stance on approaching weight loss and muscle gain in athletes, making it a course for exercise physiologists to safely guide clients and athletes in their weight management journey.

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What is Included?

  • Individual Modules
  • Course Bundles 
  • Professional Development Opportunities
  • Videos & Lectures 
  • Applicable Resources, Worksheets, & Handouts 
  • Access to Our Instructors 

Learn New Strategies 

Learn how to develop, organize, and implement a nutrition strategy to help your athletes stay fuelled, hydrated, delay onset of fatigue, decrease their risk of injury, and maintain overall health.

Knowledge is Power! 

Share your knowledge to help your athletes build their confidence in choosing optimal fuelling and hydration strategies for various training & competitive events. 
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