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Fuelling Victory: A Crash Course for Coaches 

Dive into the series of short, dynamic videos breaking down the essentials of sport nutrition. From macro to micronutrients, nutrition for fuelling performance (before, during, and after events), hydration, travel nutrition, and an overview of RED-s.   You will also find handouts covering key concepts including building your nutrition game plan.  Oh, don't forget, we also have some delicious fuelling recipes.  
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What's Included?

  • 6 Modules & Videos 
  • Applicable Handouts, Worksheets, Resources, and Recipes
  • Access to Our Instructors

Learn New Strategies 

Learn how to develop and implement a nutrition strategy to help your athletes stay fuelled, hydrated, while decreasing their risk of injury and maintaining their overall health. 

Knowledge Is Power!

 Share your knowledge to help your athletes build their confidence in choosing optimal fuelling and hydrating strategies for various training & competitive events. 
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